For many years the Hochschuldidaktische Arbeitsstelle and the Praxislabor situated in the Institut für Allgemeine Pädagogik und Berufspädagogik have been involved in tutorial training of students. The 'Initiave for good teaching' of the TU Darmstadt made it possible to develop two lines of training moduls. („Basic competences in the field of humanities and social sciences including the development of a pool of student trainers.
The project 'Explorative studies – improvement of competences of students in the field of humanistic and social sciences' has continued this succesfull project since Mai 2009. The focus of the project is on improvement of tuition through interdiscilipnary work. Apart from that the already implemented tuition offers will be continued.
The Institut für Allgemeine Pädagogik und Berufspädagogik is aiming at an improvement in tuition as well as qualifications of tutors together with the Institut für Soziologie and the Institut für Politikwissenschaften. The aim is to integrate the qualification of tutors in the appropiated faculty and develop seminars together.
Furthermore the Hochschuldidaktische Arbeitsstelle der TUD tries to support scientific interdisciplinary work by offering course on scientific writing together with the Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften.
- Basic competences in the study of the fieldl of humanistic and social sciences including the development of a pool of student trainers.
- Training of tutors at the Institut für Allgemeine Pädagogik und Berufspädagogik