Speaking about heterogeneity - professional language and difference-reflective networking in the practical phases & in the practical semester

By engaging with interdependent orders of difference (Walgenbach et al. 2007), such as ableism, heteronormativity, classism and racism, across the practical phases, prospective teachers should be enabled to reflexively catch up with school processes of un/doing difference (Hirschauer 2014) and address them didactically.


For a direct link to the glossary of the learning bar, please clickhere.

  • Networking between educational sciences and specialised didactics due to the amendment of the HLBG to improve the quality of studies
  • Continuation and expansion of heterogeneity and diversity-related content as a thematic anchor across all specialised didactics
  • Systematic evaluation of the use of the learning bar in educational science and didactics courses on the teacher training programme
  • In-depth networking of the practical phases
  • Expansion of the learning bar to include subject-specific approaches to heterogeneity
  • Expansion of the learning bar with ‘books’ from the living library in the form of video interviews
  • Embedding relevant final theses in the learning bar

The existing learning bar, in which the digital glossary ‘Fachwortschatz Heterogenität/ Differenzreflexivität’ is integrated, will be successively expanded to include further didactic modules on the difference categories of racism, heteronormativity, ableism and classism, as well as ‘books’ from the Living Library.

The following subject didactics are reached by the project:

  • Physics
  • Ethics/ Philosophy
  • Personal hygiene
  • Sport

Existing subject-didactic cooperations from this project ‘Practical phases differentially networked’:

  • German
  • History
  • Computer science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry

Four to six networking meetings per year are planned for cross-practice networking, as well as the organisation of a total of two to four specialist lectures/workshops on the topic of ‘Linguistic heterogeneity – heterogeneity in the specialist languages’ in order to give lecturers in subject didactics and educational science new impulses for the differentially reflective design of the practical phases/practical training (basic internship/practical semester).


Centre for Teacher Training:

Specialised didactics sport:

Specialised didactics physics:

Specialised didactics ethics/philosophy:

Specialised didactics body sciences, fashion and aesthetics:

Specialised didactics history:

Specialised didactics biology:

specialised didactics chemistry:

News from the project

We welcome enquiries from other specialised didactics.